Master of Science

Friday, February 19, 2016

New Hampshire Nightmare

The voters of New Hampshire have done a great disservice to the nation.  It can be argued that at least Iowa gave us a serious “snapshot” of the doubt in this convoluted election, but not so New Hampshire.  Pray the rest of the country has better horse sense. 

Donald Trump, who won the New Hampshire primary, told voters, “We are going to do something so good and so strong and so fast, and the world is going to respect us again, believe me.”

Good grief.  New Hampshire voted for this man?  Respect?  Try laughing stock.

And Democrats rejected Hillary Clinton by a large margin.  The Clintons are not perfect, but all they get is savagery — despite years of effort.

As recently as February 10, 2016, the Omaha World-Herald, for example, was still calling for Hillary’s head to roll over her emails.  On their editorial page they shouted "Voters deserve answers on Clinton emails."  The editorial can be read in the Washington Post.

Conservatives are absolutely giddy about having another dead horse to whip, and yet gleefully ignore that others in their own party have done the same thing.  Only Matthew Hall of the San Diego Union-Tribune called for sanity ( scroll down for the editorial).

The nation (We The People) need someone who can lead, not react.  America, please, please think it through before you vote. 


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